What I’ve Learned About Systems Analysis

I am still trying to wrap my brain around complexity in systems. I’ve always considered complexity in terms of how many parts interact in a system. Since performing the systems analysis on the issue tracking system at work, I’m seeing that complexity is really more about relationships between things...

Analyzing Training Systems

My experience with systems analysis for the past four weeks has been enlightening. I’ve worked with systems architects when proposing training systems for the Department of Defense, so I’ve been somewhat familiar with the process. However, our readings and our discussions during the class sessions have allowed me to...

Learning about systems

I was interested in the Educational Systems Theory, Analysis, Planning, and Evaluation course because, since I work with systems engineers at Link, I see education and training programs as systems. That is, they have a complexity of interfaces and changes often result in impacts to other elements of the...

My Perspective on ISD For a Training Company

I work in the corporate, defense contracted, training industry.  I work for a company that has a long history of learning technology.  My company, Link Training & Simulation, began in the 1920s when Ed Link invented the original flight training device.  Since that time simulation training and other training...

Week 11 – What We Can Learn From iLearn and Anytown

Both iLearn and Anytown designed the interactions in a way that they were realistic. In iLearn the learner is give the role of a middle school principal who must communicate digitally because injuries (broken legs) prevent him/her from going to the school. In Anytown, the learners are given the...

Week 8 – Understanding by Design & Group Design Project

The Understanding by Design framework, sometimes called Backwards Planning or Backwards Design, is not a model in that it doesn’t provide a practical methodology for implementation. However, it does provide guidelines to help the designer or educator focus their learning activities on the outcomes that are desired. That perspective...

Week 7 – Dick and Carey (and Carey?)

The most memorable discussion from our class this week was Reem Almazyad’s presentation of the Dick and Carey model of ISD. Again, I’m thinking that an “advanced” ISD model has more to do with what a designer is doing with the model than the model itself. The Dick and...

Week Six – How Instructional Design is Used

When I was first hired as a brand-new instructional designer, fresh out of graduate school, I worked for a company that developed training for management processes. Things like, proactive planning, rational decision making, root cause analysis, and so forth. I was part of a team that spent a lot...

Week Five in Advanced ISD

In our class on February 11, Jennie Johnson gave a presentation on the 4 Component Instructional Design (4C/ID) model that was developed by Jeroen van Merrienboer. I think this model is a good example of what we’ve been discussing all semester so far, an Advanced Instructional Design model. I...

The ISD Team

This week I pivoted from my original selection for an instructional design model. Initially I selected the 5E model because someone had mentioned it in our first class and I had never heard of it. I was looking forward to learning about something new! Later I found that it...