Experimenting with Different Epistemologies…

When discussing the nature of my theoretical framework, or my research paradigm, I would claim that my epistemological views fit comfortably within the interpretive paradigm (Shah & Al-Bargi, 2013). From my interpretivist world-view I tend to believe that knowledge is socially constructed and that the concept of truth is generally...

Ethics and Research

Most of the time we spent discussing research ethics had to do with how we treat study participants. We did talk a little bit about how to conduct a study ethically, in terms of how we work with individuals and people. This seems critical to me because qualitative research...

Thoughts About Qualitative Research

My experience with qualitative research is limited. But then, so is my experience with quantitative research. Despite my limited experience I find that quantitative research is easier to get my arms around. Capturing and coding data seem more straight-forward. Using quantitative data to identify patterns and to validate research...

Qualitative Research – First Impressions

I have to admit that I’ve always been uncomfortable with numbers. I’m a very creative person and numbers seem impersonal and complex to me. They rely on rigid concepts of mathematics and are harshly intolerant of error or misunderstanding. Perhaps that’s why I’ve never been too keen on the...

How have my concepts of multimedia changed?

It wasn’t long ago that the primary controversy surrounding multimedia instruction revolved around whether the use of multimedia improved instruction or resulted in improved learning outcomes for students. The “no significant difference” argument, while still around, was popular among academics and technicians of instructional design. At the same time,...

Reflection on Multimedia

With a new school year comes a new set of courses to challenge my thought processes and my ability to organize my life well enough to complete required assignments! Already I’m learning a lot and I’m looking forward to the experiences I’ll have this semester at the University of...

Reflecting on a Research Design Featuring LODAS

Since the first publication of the Learning Object Design and Sequencing (LODAS) model of instructional design, the elements of the model have remained relatively abstract and academic. In my review of the literature, I haven’t yet found an instance where LODAS was actually used to design and develop an...

Advanced ISD – Looking Back

My experience with advanced instructional design was impactful for a couple of reasons. Professionally, it has been many years since I have thought about instructional design theories and models beyond ADDIE, which is ubiquitous in military training. The opportunity to explore other theories and models, and to discuss them...

Reflection on Implementation and Evaluation

This is the final blog post for the Educational Systems Theory, Analysis, Planning, and Evaluation course in my Learning Technology doctorate program. First and foremost, this is kind of a mea culpa post. I lost it this summer. I found the topic of systems thinking to be thoroughly fascinating,...