Category: Learning Technologies

Ethics and Research

Most of the time we spent discussing research ethics had to do with how we treat study participants. We did talk a little bit about how to conduct a study ethically, in terms of how we work with individuals and people. This seems critical to me because qualitative research...

Thoughts About Qualitative Research

My experience with qualitative research is limited. But then, so is my experience with quantitative research. Despite my limited experience I find that quantitative research is easier to get my arms around. Capturing and coding data seem more straight-forward. Using quantitative data to identify patterns and to validate research...

Qualitative Research – First Impressions

I have to admit that I’ve always been uncomfortable with numbers. I’m a very creative person and numbers seem impersonal and complex to me. They rely on rigid concepts of mathematics and are harshly intolerant of error or misunderstanding. Perhaps that’s why I’ve never been too keen on the...